April 13, 2025 General Meeing
2:00 - 4:00 pm, Bachman's on Lyndale. General Meeting and Presentation. New and Fun Items for your Pond - EasyPro products and
2:00 - 4:00 pm, Bachman's on Lyndale. General Meeting and Presentation. New and Fun Items for your Pond - EasyPro products and
Jamie Beyer presented Pond Planning and Building and A Hobby, Not a Chore: Four critical steps for headache-free water gardening. Speaker Jamie
Tropical / Taro Giant Upright $ Taro Giant Upright Alocasia macrorrhiza
Lotus / Sacred Lotus $ Sacred Lotus Lotus nucifera species Your Content Goes Here
Floating Plants /Fanwort, Carolina $ Fanwort, Carolina Cabomba caroliniana
Lotus / A=1 Lotus Pot Size Information Lotus Pot Size InformationMWGS member and Master Gardner, Jan Schreier
Tropical / Toothache Plant $ Toothache PlantSpilanthes oleracea Upright herb with ball of
Lotus / Lady Bingley $ Lady Bingley Nelumbo nucifera Early
MN Native / Blue-eyed Grass, Mountain $ Blue-eyed Grass, Mountain Sisyrinchium montanum
MN Native / Blue-eyed Grass Prairie $ Blue-eyed Grass Prairie Sisyrinchium campestre