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  • MWGS Logo Rock at MN State Fair Garden

Water Garden @ MN State Fair

The MWGS Water Garden, at the MN State Fair, welcomed thousands of visitors over the 12 days.  To Allen Eldridge, Steve Stoltz, Steve & Pauline Danielson and their team of volunteers who prepared the garden and to all the members who welcomed visitors during the fair, THANK YOU!

  • Picnic basket

September 8 Fall Picnic

Sunday, September 8, 2024, Noon-4 pm at the MWGS pond site in the MN State Fairgrounds for our Annual Fall picnic. Bring your own picnic basket and enjoy lunch with members, short meeting & time for Q&A & sharing experiences. New members bring questions.  After, help shut down our state fair pond. Click Here

Upcoming Events

Our mission is to increase the enjoyment and enthusiasm
for water gardening
through promotion, education, and shared experiences.

Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand. It is the greatest gift anyone can give.